Before I get started on this article I shall shout something at you first . . .
. . . shouting finished, let us continue.
There are many reasons why various people fail at destruction of the fat cells and the first one is oh, so simple. Fat destruction starts by using the most important tool in your body, the brain. It's all about the knowing, not believing. People "believe" in things they have yet to see as real such as fairies, unicorns and pots of gold at the end of rainbows. You can not just flimsily "believe" in this journey. . .
You have to KNOW you are going to destroy your fat, not lose it, destroy it. If you lose something your mind will try and help you find it again . We don’t want that. First step is KNOWING. Telling your mind that you ARE destroying your unwanted fat reserves, not tomorrow, not next week you have ALREADY started.
1st Step – The Mind Mantra
Keep repeating in your head “I have destroyed my fat. I am fitter. I am healthier”
No, it matters not one jot if you haven’t even put down your doughnut first. The first step is always convincing your mind you are a success.
Here is a little experiment to prove how strong your mind is over your body.
Stand near a wall (we don’t want any harm done here!!)
Tell yourself over and over again in your head you CAN NOT stand on one leg. Do this for about 3 - 5 minutes.
Now try standing on one leg whilst telling yourself you CAN NOT stand on one leg. Go on do it.
Notice how you CAN NOT stand on one leg either at all or not for as long as you have in the past.
Sit down. Close your eyes. Tell yourself over and over again I CAN stand on one leg. Visualise yourself successfully standing on one leg. Keep the visualisation going and keep repeating to yourself that YOU CAN stand on one leg. Do this for 3 – 5 minutes.
Once again, constantly visualising your one leg standing success and telling yourself YOU CAN stand on one leg. Try standing on one leg.
Notice how you COULD do it this time. Maybe for even longer than you have in the past!
And so it is with destroying the fat. You have to KNOW you are a success the moment you make the decision to change. Tell yourself how wonderful your fat destruction is, how you love feeling so much more energised and how brilliant it is that you now want to move more and make better food choices. In the evening sit for a few moments just visualising yourself slimmer and fitter. Visualise yourself moving gracefully across a floor in an outfit that shows off your strong, sleek body.
There is a sentence a friend of mine loves saying:
You Have To Fake It Before You Make It.
In other words, you have to make the steps toward your goal KNOWING you have already reached it!
Step 1 is of the highest importance and I will not go into all the meta physical stuff. Simply put, control your thoughts and you control your body.
I have kept this short as I wanted you to read ALL of it. We will get to diet and excercise later. Hit subscribe for future installments!
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