Saturday, 25 January 2014

Are You In Control Or Are Your Demons Controlling You?


As I sat at my computer yesterday reading posts on the brain fart encyclopedia that is Facebook, I realised I was becoming very angry, wound up by what someone was typing about. I was getting really riled by their ignorance and how they were spouting bull to the nation, so . . I turned off my computer, went out with my dog and carried on being annoyed, to the point of having an imaginary sit down debate with the person.  As the evening wore on I went to do my meditation, only to have my mind fill with all the things 'I could have said/should have said'.

Demons in my head by akairisu deviantart
This morning I sat and thought to myself 'Cathi, you are an arse!'  Am I so arrogant that my opinions and beliefs are more valid than theirs? Has that person who you are slowly winding yourself up like coiled cobra about, had half a day of head turmoil thinking 'I bet this annoyed Cathi' . . no, they didn't. 

I allowed myself to find something annoying, I told my head to get into a real rumpus about it.  In other words I had a sleeping demon, who, rather than letting  her sleep, I prodded her with a pointy stick and woke her.  As we know anyone woken by being poiked with a pointy stick isn't going to wake up happy!

I allowed my ego a trip out, and by hell had I given her all the arms and ammunition to start a war in my own noggin.

As I sat and pondered this, I thought about all the posts I read that are annoyed with the government, annoyed by pop singers behaviour, annoyed by an argument from the past, annoyed by how someone trains, what diet someone is on, annoyed, angry, angry, negative, negative.  My question is
"How is this all serving me?  How is reading this stuff making my life better or my desires come to fruition?"

Answer:  it isn't.  I can not control other people's thoughts, emotions, actions, beliefs, doctrines, opinions and moreover why on earth would I want to?

I normally live a life of 'live and let live'.  One afternoon not living by MY OWN doctrine I totally stuffed up more than half a day of MY LIFE.  The person that typed it didn't do that, they are completely blameless in all this.  The only victim and perpetrator was me.

We, as a world, have a propensity to allow ourselves anger over peace.  Think about it.  How
many times have you become enraged at the words that have come out of someone else's mouth?  If I was walking  past you and sneered under my breath said "Jeesh, you are one hideous pig" . .how would you react?  Punch me? Shout at me?  Swear at me?  Spend AT LEAST half a day coming up with brilliant retorts in your head? Cry?  Look for a place that does plastic surgery? Or would you just carry on and not let it bother you?

Now ask yourself which way of reacting would make your life a healthier, happier, more positive place?  Dragging round a bag of anger or allowing others to be.

by DoiDuh
If you keep dragging round your bag of anger it is because you are not a peace with yourself.  You have not accepted yourself.  You have issues around certain parts of your being, whether it be your weight, your size, you features, your intelligence, your beliefs etc.  So many wars about religion, about land that people believe to be theirs.  If we all just took a deep breath, and started allowing people to be, what does it matter where a border is, why not completely dissolve all borders, allow anyone on this planet to go where ever they want?  If they want to believe that all carrots are gods and sacred, what business is it of yours to tell them otherwise?  I know, it's my Utopian dream, and so many people will already be putting up mind barriers, arguing how it can't be rather than smiling thinking 'that would be lovely'.

It is time for each and every one of us to learn self acceptance, to pay more attention to how WE behave, how WE think, what makes US happy and leave everyone else the fuck alone.  We all have sleeping demons, very few of us have managed to slay them and like anything within us, it is up to us to learn how we work, what makes us tick and figure out what is holding us back, then to don our coats of armour go out there and slay our demons.

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